An official website of the Department of Health and Human Services
Latest available findings on quality of and access to health care
Searchable database of AHRQ Grants
AHRQ Projects funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund.
HHS PRESS RELEASE | Dec. 5: New Dashboard to Track Progress Toward 50 Percent Reduction in Patient and Workforce Harm
BLOG | Nov. 7: AHRQ’s Role in Meeting the American Indian/Alaska Native Trust Responsibility
WEBINAR | Jan. 15: AHRQ’s Surveys on Patient Safety Culture® Program: An Overview for New Users
WEBINAR | Jan. 16: Approaches to Address Health Risks in Older Adults
WEBINAR | Jan. 21: Engineering Safety Into Practice Through Implementation of the 2025 SAFER Guides
AHRQ Announces Interest in Funding Research on Diagnosis and Treatment of Menopause
Apply Now for Funding on Projects To Reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antibiotic Resistance
Applicants Sought for National Coordinating Center and National Evaluation Center for State-Based Healthcare Extension Service
AHRQ Awards Additional Grants To Expand Access to Care for People With Long COVID
Highlights From AHRQ's Patient Safety Network
Enroll Now: Project Offers Help Implementing AHRQ Resources for Diagnostic Excellence
More Than Three Dozen New Definitions Included in Updated Healthcare Simulation Dictionary
New Data Files Provide Comprehensive View of U.S. Healthcare
Videos Show How To Explore AHRQ Data Tools
AHRQ COVID-19 Resources
HHS: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
CDC: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Learn how AHRQ-funded findings, products and tools have impacted healthcare delivery
AHRQ programs provide information and resources to help healthcare organizations and providers deliver safe, high-quality, and equitable care across all settings.
Making healthcare safer in all settings
Supporting transformative primary care research, tools and methods to improve the delivery of primary care.
Funding research to better understand how diagnostic errors happen and how to prevent them.
Providing data and analysis to help healthcare decision makers understand how the healthcare system is working and identify opportunities for improvement
Providing evidence on how digital healthcare can advance quality, safety, and efficiency for patients and their families
Examining inequities and implicit bias embedded in today’s healthcare delivery systems.
Support for decarbonization in healthcare
Using external practice coaches to help primary care clinicians implement the best evidence into care
Providing non-identifiable patient safety data at the national level
Conducting research and provides training, tools, and data to help healthcare organizations improve care
Surveying patients to report on and evaluate their experiences with healthcare
Providing the latest literature, news, and expert commentary on patient safety topics
Helping clinical teams make care safer by combining improved teamwork, clinical best practices, and the science of safety
Improving healthcare quality by providing the best available evidence on benefits and harms of drugs, devices, and services
Generating evidence reports on a wide spectrum of topics to inform clinician practice improvements, guide policymaking, and identify future research needs